Effects of Social Media on Communication

I have seen that social media has some serious impacts on our communication that also have a direct impact on our relations. So, I have decided to write about the topic “Effects of social media on communication”. Mostly Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and YouTube are used by the people.

Nowadays, we all are talking about the effects of social media on our lives. Some of us are getting huge benefits from these websites, while others are poorly affected. It has also affected some huge organizations. For example, Organizations have seen poor efficiency of the people who use an excess of social media websites. From our interpersonal communication skills to our personal lives, it has changed many things. Many renowned educational institutes are creating awareness about these issues in their project management courses, as the managers and senior people of the companies are also affected by this issue. 

Positive effects:

1) Increase in Confidence 

While communication on social media people have a higher level of confidence. They take care of their reputation while writing some text messages and other things on social media. It also includes sharing status and quotes.

2) More Concerned while writing something 

While people are writing on social media they are very much concerned while posting anything. They also learn a lot of new things from quotes, poetry that they share with people.

Negative Effects:

3) Use of shortcuts and slang 

Many people like to type shortcuts while posting anything on social media. This can become their practice that is destructive when they have to write something formally especially in exams.

4) Normal Typo During Writing 

People and child who use the excess of social media usually have a habit of doing type mistakes during writing. This is also considered as one of the bad negative effect of social media by the parents.

Although social media has both negative and positive effects on the users. But the negative effects of social media on our communication skills are much more than the positive effects.


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